Metric reports return statistical data and metrics about
the Workspace, rather than returning specific Issue data. Output
options include HTML
Text, Graphical,
and Text
File Export. The
information returned by these reports can help you measure how well your
organization performs and where improvement is needed.
The following reports can be run from the Reports
| Metrics menu:
Issue Statistics
quick statistical information on specific groups of Issues.
First Contact Resolution
the percentage of Issues that were created with a status of Closed
versus the number of issues that were received for a specific time period.
Resolution Rate
the rate at which Issues are resolved for specific criteria.
vs. Closed Reports
how many Issues were received and how many were closed, based on specific
Turn-around Time
how long issues have remained in a particular status or how long it takes
to get from one status to another.
Service-level Agreements—The
service-level agreements reporting option returns the number and percent
of Issues achieved, breached, resolved and unresolved per service-level
agreement. This
type of report cannot be saved and auto run.
Historical—Return historical
data on Issues in the current Workspace, including past statuses, priorities,
and elapsed time. This
type of report cannot be saved and auto run.
Query Statistics—Return
statistics on searches of the database, which can be categorized by whether
they were performed by Customers or Agents. This
type of report cannot be saved and auto run.
Note on Teams
In all reports broken down by assignee, the bar/slice/row
for a team only lists Issues assigned to that team and none of its members.
If an issue
is assigned to multiple teams, it counts for each team, just the way an
issue assigned to multiple Agents counts for each Agent. If
an issue is assigned to Team A, Team B, and a member of Team B, it counts
for Team A and the member of Team B. If
an issue is assigned to Team A, Team B, and an Agent who is a member of
both teams, it only counts for the Agent.
Note on Counts by Assignee
Counts broken down by assignee may not add up to the total
number of Issues in a report if Issues are assigned to multiple people.