You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Searching and Reporting > Reporting > Issue Statistics

Issue Statistics Report

Issue Statistics reports provide quick information on specific groups of Issues. Exact and relative time (e.g., before or after date X) periods are available.  To include all Issues, select After and a date before the first Issue was created or use Before and select tomorrow's date.

The options for report output are:

The following Issue Statistic reports are available:


When viewing report data by assignee, remember that an Issue can be assigned to more than one individual or team at a time.  When an Issue is assigned to more than one individual and/or team, it is counted in the report for each assignee, that is, an Issue assigned to three people and one team would be counted for each of the individuals and the one team.  This means that, if you count up the total number of active Issues in the report, they can exceed the total given for the number of active Issues that you see displayed on the Homepage.