You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Searching and Reporting > Reporting > First Call Resolution

First Contact Resolution

First Contact Resolution reports determine the percentage of issues that were created with a Resolved status versus the number of issues that were received during a specified time period. The workspace administrator defines which statuses are Resolved statuses in the Issue Lifecycle. If you need to know which statuses are Resolved statuses, contact your workspace administrator.

The following issues are counted as First Contact Resolutions:

If an issue was counted as a First Contact Resolution and then its status was changed to a status that is not one of the Resolved statuses, it is no longer counted as a First Contact Resolution and cannot be counted as one again.

The options for report output are:

The following options are available:


When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is in.