You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Searching and Reporting > Reporting > Turn-around Time

Turn-around Time

Turn-around Time reports allow you to measure how long Issues have remained in a particular status or how long it takes to get from one status to another.

The options for report output are:

The reports available are:

For each Turn-around Time report, you can chose to report by:

After you have selected one of the Turn-around Time reports and specified which information to gather, click GO.

Different options are available for these reports.  The options are explained below for each type of Turn-around Time report.

Average Time Spent in a Particular Status


When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date is in.  If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is in.

Average Time to go from Status A to Status B


When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date is in.  If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is in.

Average Time Spent in Each Status


When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date is in.  If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is in.