You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Searching and Reporting > Reporting > Query Statistics

Query Statistics

The query logging feature records queries that have been placed in the Simple Search field, the date and time at which each query was made, and whether the query came from a customer or an Agent.  The query statistics report performs counts on those queries based on specified criteria.  To access the query statistics reports, select Reports | Metrics, then select Query statistics from the Step1:  Select Report Type drop-down in the main frame.  A Query Statistics report cannot be saved or autorun.  Click the GO button when you are ready.  This displays the criteria options.

Options for the query statistics reports are as follows:


When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is in.

When you finish selecting options, click there GO button to generate the report.

Understanding the Query Report

Query statistics are intended to demonstrate which queries are repeated frequently and, therefore, can be used as a basis for product design.  If a question keeps coming up time and again, the query statistics will show that repetition and, therefore, provide a pointer to a solution.

For example, if the query logs show that customers frequently want to know the meaning of an acronym that is used as a label on the GUI, you may want to use the full name in the GUI or use a more meaningful name to eliminate the questions.  Questions that show Agents do not understand some function or other may require a change to Agent training.

When you read the report, you should be aware that the totals will differ depending on whether you count and sort by keyword or by entire line.  If you count and sort by the entire line, then the number of queries processed will equal the number of instances found.  If you count and sort by keyword, the number of queries processed will not necessarily match the number of word instances found in those queries.