You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Searching and Reporting > Reporting > Service Level Reporting

Service Level Reporting

Management reports can be generated to gauge how well service levels are being met.


Service Level Reporting is affected by the pending statuses specified when creating the service level. Events that occur and time spent in a pending status is excluded from service level reports. For details on specifying pending statuses, refer to Creating the Service Level Field. To display the list of pending statuses, select Administration | Workspace from the FootPrints Toolbar and then select Service Level Management from the Automated Workflow section of the main frame. Next, click the Edit button of the Pending Statuses List in the main frame of the Service Level Management Administration page. The Pending Statuses page is displayed. All of the statuses defined as "pending" are displayed in the Selected Statuses field.

To run a Service Level report:

  1. Select Reports | Metrics from the FootPrints Toolbar and choose the Service Level Agreements metric report in Step 1, then click GO.  If this option is not available, you may not have permission to run this report type or service levels are not enabled in this workspace.
  2. Select the output type under Report Formatting:
  3. HTML—Display report as HTML in a browser window.  
  4. Export—If you chose to output the report to a text file, select a file format in which to output the report.  Format choices are MS Excel (i.e., comma separated file), tab delimited file, or a custom separator of your choice in a text file.
  1. On the next page, in the first part of Step 3, select the date range on which to report in the Report on Issues Submitted fields.


When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is in.

  1. For Select SLA Time to report on, choose between whether to report on Issues according to SLA Due Date (the resolution time defined for this service level) or SLA Response Time (the amount of time allowed for Issue response for a service level).
  2. Select the earliest status accepted for Issues to be considered as having met the service level. For example, if your organization considers Issues to have met their service level only when the Issue is closed, select Closed.  But if your organization considers Issues to have met their service level if they have been responded to within the resolution time frame, and you have a status of Responded, select that status instead.
  3. Select fields, which will be used to break down the Issues in the list further according to the selected fields.
  4. Click GO. The report output is displayed in a separate window.

The report includes the following statistics for each service level:

Breached is broken down into two additional categories: