You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Searching and Reporting > Reporting > Current Agent-Team Performance

Current Agent/Team Performance Report

The Current Agent/Team Performance reports provides data on Issues currently active in the Workspace, grouped by assignee(s).  The report shows the average age of active Issues by assignee, allowing you to extrapolate meaning for the data in terms of "performance".  Assignees can be individuals or teams.

If no teams are defined for your Workspace, you are only offered the choice to report by Agent.

The options for report output are:

If you have grouped your Agents into teams, you are offered all of the following choices:


When the report includes totals for both teams and Agents, the totals for the team row do not include Issues that are assigned to individuals within the Team.


Each team total also includes Issues assigned to individual Agents within the team.


Issues assigned to multiple Agents are included in the totals for each Agent.  This means that the total number of Issues as reported here may exceed the total number of Issues you see elsewhere.  The reason for this is that a single Issue with multiple assignees is counted for each of the assignees; if you have three Agents assigned to an Issue, it is counted three times.