You are here: Chapter 11: FootPrints API > FootPrints Database API > Database Commands > Database Commands

Database Commands


Use of these commands is not recommended as they are no longer officially supported and may not work as intended.

The following is a list of the internal database commands of FootPrints, with short descriptions of their functions.  Each is discussed in more detail below, with syntax and examples.  

Change the field of an Address Book Contact

List contacts in the Address Book based on search criteria

Create a single new contact

Change the state of a contact

Append a new description to an Issue

Assign users to an Issue

Attach filenames to an Issue

Change the title, user field data, or most recent description data

Change the time tracking date for an Issue

View the details of an Issue

Escalate an Issue

List Issues based on search criteria

Change the priority of an Issue

Change the status of an Issue/multiple Issues

Change the status of multiple Issues

Create a link between Issues

Create a new Issue in the database

Show various fields for a given Issue

Read or write the time tracking data for an Issue

De-assign users from an Issue

Write the history for an Issue.


Command Syntax

To execute these mr<name> commands in the /bin directory correctly, you must use the correct syntax, which depends on the system on which FootPrints resides.  The mr<name> command is now the first argument to one of the following, which must prefix those commands:



c:\FootprintsServiceCore\bin\perl\bin\perl "mrSTATUS <> '_DELETED_'" "mrSTATUS <> '_DELETED_'"