You are here: Chapter 11: FootPrints API > FootPrints Database API > Database Commands > mrChange



Use of these commands is not recommended as they are no longer officially supported and may not work as intended.


Replace the description, title and/or user field data for an Issue

Syntax (following correct mrFile)

mrChange <MR number> "<title>"

line 1 of description data

line 2 of description data


data for user field 1


data for user field 2


Use the mrChange command to change the description, title, and/or user field data of an Issue. The title supplied on the command line replaces the old title. The description field and user fields are read from stdin. Separate each field by a line containing only "." (but do not enter a "." between the title and description).  You must know the order of the user fields: you are not prompted for each field by name.

You can obtain the order of the fields from the file <footPrints_root>/db/MASTERx/MR/Schema file, where x is the number of the Workspace.  If you enter no text into the description and user fields, the previous data remains.  If you leave the title blank, however, a blank title is entered.  To leave the title unchanged, re-enter the old title.

See also

