You are here: Chapter 11: FootPrints API > FootPrints Database API > Database Commands > mrShow



Use of these commands is not recommended as they are no longer officially supported and may not work as intended.


Display various fields for a given Issue

Syntax (following correct mrFile)

mrShow <Issue number> <field code> <optional description code>

The field codes are as follows:

Summary: 0

Status: 2

Description: 3

Without the optional description code, viewing the description shows only the most recent description data. This is equivalent to using description code "1". The previous description has code "2", and the one before that "3", etc.  Description code "0" displays all description data.

Priority: 4

Assignees: 5

Reference: 8

Escalation level: 9

Attachments: 11

FAQ count: 12


History: 500

Starting at 500 is a list of all histories of the issue.


mrShow 3 3 0

This displays all description data for Issue number 3.

mrShow 3 4

This displays the priority for Issue 3.