You are here: Chapter 11: FootPrints API > FootPrints Database API > Database Commands > mrRegister



Use of these commands is not recommended as they are no longer officially supported and may not work as intended.


Create a new Issue in the database

Syntax (following correct mrFile)

mrRegister <priority> "<title>"

line 1 of description data

line 2 of description data


data for user field 1


data for user field 2


Use mrRegister to create a new Issue in the database.  mrRegister reads the description field and user fields from stdin. Separate each field by a "." (but do not enter a "." between the title and description).  You must know the order of the user fields: you are not prompted for each field by name.  You can get the order of the fields from the <footprints_root>/db/MASTERx/MR/Schema file and <footprints_root>/db/ABMASTERx/MR/Schema file, respectively.