You are here: Chapter 11: FootPrints API > FootPrints Database API > Database Commands > mrList, mrQuick, mrFast, mrQuick, mrFast


Use of these commands is not recommended as they are no longer officially supported and may not work as intended.


List Issues based on search criteria

Syntax (following correct mrFile)

The program is the equivalent of the SQL select statement.  Under SQL–based databases,, mrFast, or mrQuick (which are synonyms for the same program) all act as front ends for the “select * from table where” of a SQL database. Under the built–in FootPrints database, command has a syntax described in detail below.


The first argument to mrQuick (the query) must be in double quotes and the second argument, the page number, starts at 0 and not 1.

Details for SQL based versions of FootPrints

The, mrQuick, mrFast commands for FootPrints using SQL–based systems (SQL–server, Access, Oracle, MySQL, or Postgres) are front ends to the select command of the underlying database used to store the FootPrints database whose issue number is less than 20: “mrID < 20”

this is equivalent to:

select * from MASTER1 where mrID < 20

or: “mrPRIORITY = 2 and mrSTATUS = CLOSED”

is equivalent to:

select * from MASTER1 where mrPRIORITY = 2 and mrSTATUS = CLOSED

A working knowledge of SQL language is required to use the commands.  A full layout of the FootPrints tables is defined in the ODBC table definition section of the manual and the help for assistance in running these commands.

Details for FootPrints built built–in database with no query following it returns a list of every Issue in the database.  A FootPrints query consists of two parts, either or both of which may be omitted.  The first part is a range specification, and the second is a logical expression.  Each part serves to constrain the set of Issues on which to reported.

Range specification

A range specification is either a single number or a pair of integers separated by "–" or "to." It is okay to specify an ending number greater than the highest Issue number.  The highest existing Issue number is used. Here are some examples:


Action 46 to 53

returns Issues 46 to 53 5

returns Issue 5 23 – 93

returns Issues 23 to 93 47 to 99999

returns Issues 47 and up


If you are also going to specify a logical expression, connect the range specification and the logical expression with the word "where".

For example:

Logical expressions

Logical expressions describe other constraints on which Issues are to appear in There are many types of these, as follows.

Text Fields: Description and Title

Description fields are queried using the keywords "description contains". For example, to return a list of Issues with the word "hello" in the description, you would type:

Title searches are constructed using a similar grammar, but using the keyword "summary" instead. For example, to return a list of Issues with the word "FootPrints FootPrints" in the title, you would type:


The use of single quotes, double quotes and slashes is very important. On NT, if you do not type a "\" before the double quotes surrounding the string, the search fails.

Remember that NT queries are protected by double quotes, so that quotes protecting strings within queries must be escaped.


You may include Issues in a report based upon their current priority. You may use any of the numeric relational operators (<, <=, =, !=, >=, or >).

Examples (given here for NT only): "priority > 3" "priority <= 100" "priority != 5"


You may include Issues in a report based upon their current status. Use any of the relational operators (<, <=, =, !=, >=, or >) to compare against other statuses. These statuses are Workspace–specific and are named in the Life.cycle ($CMMASTER/MR/Life.cycle) file. The earlier the status is mentioned in the Life.cycle file, the less its value.  If you are getting syntax errors, make sure you check the Life.cycle file to see what FootPrints calls your status. For example, the status "upside down" might be stored as "upside__bdown."

Examples of queries:

status > Open

status = Closed

You may refer to the previous status the Issue had, like this:

previous status > Open

In fact, you may refer to the history of any status using the word "previous" as many times as necessary:

previous previous previous status > Open

If you use "previous" too many times and go back through more statuses than the Issue has had, FootPrints excludes it from the report.


You may include Issues in a report based upon the user ID that originally created the Issue. You may use any of the relational operators (<, <=, =, !=, >=, or >) to compare against user IDs.


originator = suzy

originator != george


You may include Issues in a report based upon one of the user IDs, which have been assigned to work on them.


assigned to dan


To include Issues in a report based upon the absence of anyone having been assigned to work on them, simply place the word "not" in front of "assigned."


not assigned

Date of Issue

You may include Issues in a report based upon the date the Issue was created. You may use any of the relational operators (<, <=, =, !=, >=, or >) and the keywords “Issue date” to compare against a constant date in mm/dd/yy format.


Issue date = 5/10/92

Issue date < 3/5/91

Date of promotion

You may include Issues in a report based upon the date the Issue last changed. Use any of the relational operators (<, <=, =, !=, >=, or >) and the keywords “date of status” to compare against a constant date in mm/dd/yy format.


date of status = 5/10/92

date of status < 3/5/91

You may refer to the date previous to the current one like this:

date of previous status < 3/5/91

In fact, you may refer to any status date previous to that one by using the word "previous" as many times as necessary:

date of previous previous status < 3/5/91

If you use "previous" too many times and go back through more statuses than the Issue had, FootPrints excludes it from the report.

Age of Issue

You may include Issues in a report based upon the age of the Issue (how many days ago it was entered). You may use any of the relational operators (<, <=, =, !=, >=, or >) and the words “age of Issue date” to compare against a constant integer.


age of Issue date > 30

age of Issue date < 7

Combining logical expressions

Logical expressions may be combined with "and" and "or." You may use parentheses to force evaluation.


priority > 2 and age of Issue date > 30

(age of Issue date > 30 or age of previous status > 30) and priority = 3

You may also use the "not" operator to negate a condition:

not priority = 3

Ordering the report

You may sort the report by any combination of these criteria:

To sort by

Use this term

Issue number


current priority


Issue date

Issue date



current status


You may prefix a sort name by the word "ascending" or "descending." The default sorting order is ascending, so you need not use it except for clarity.


order by descending priority

order by originator

Examples of useful queries

All unclosed high–priority Issues that have been unresolved for over a month: "priority > 5 and status < Closed and age of Issue date > 30 order by descending priority"

All Issues assigned to george, ordered by priority: "assigned to george order by descending priority"


When you run the command, you must protect the "<" and ">" signs from the shell by either escaping then with a back–quote or by quoting the entire query.

See Also
