You are here: Chapter 11: FootPrints API > FootPrints Database API > Database Commands > mrNewState



Use of these commands is not recommended as they are no longer officially supported and may not work as intended.


Assign a new status to an Issue

Syntax (following correct mrFile)

mrNewState <MR number> <Status> [“comment”]

Use the mrNewState program to change the status of an Issue.  Five statuses are built into the FootPrints system: "Open," which is the initial status of all Issues, and "Closed," which is their final destination. FootPrints also comes with "_DELETED_", "_SOLVED_" and "_REQUEST_" for deleted Issues, solutions and requests respectively. Your also may have created intermediate statuses that represent the normal flow of work on a workspace-by-workspace basis. These customized state names are kept in the CMMASTER/MR/Life.cycle file.  You may optionally comment the change in status.

See also
