You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Assign Roles to Users

Assign Roles to Users

Once a custom role is created, users can be assigned to the role in the following ways:

Refer to the individual topics listed above for complete instructions on adding/editing users with the various methods.


Edit Role Membership

Once you have created a role, you can assign one or more users to that role from the Edit Role Membership page.  This allows you to quickly assign and re-assign multiple users at once to a role.

To use this feature:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | User Roles from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. On the User Roles administration page, select a role from the drop-down list and click Edit Role Membership.  The Role Membership page is displayed.  This page lists the current users who belong to the role on the left in the Members field and other Workspace members on the right in the Other Workspace Members field.  The other Workspace members are listed with their current assigned Role.
  3. To:
  4. Assign a user to this role, select the name from the Other Workspace Members field and click the left arrow button.  The user's name is displayed in the Members field.
  5. Unassign a user from this role, select the name from the Members field and click the right arrow button. You are prompted to reassign roles on the next page for any users unassigned on this page.

A summary of the changes you've made are listed in the box below for your reference.

  1. When you are finished assigning and unassigning users to and from this role, enter your password and click Save.
  1. If any users were unassigned from the role on the previous screen, a list of users is displayed, each with a drop-down list of roles. Select the new role for each user, then click Save.

The users now have the permissions of the new roles assigned to them. You can change their role at any time from this page or from the Edit Agent page.