You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > System Administration > Users > User Import

User Import

If large numbers of users must be added to the FootPrints system, it is possible to load a large number of users into FootPrints from a text file.  This is done from the Administration | System | Users | User Import page under Load Users into FootPrints.  The limit is 2000 records at one time.  If you need to load more than 2000 users from an external file, you must do it in more than one batch.


Password complexity rules are not enforced on imported users until the first time the user logs in.

On this page, you must specify:


System Administrators cannot be imported using this method. They must be added to the system manually. 


Click the link next to Workspace Information to see a list of workspaces and corresponding IDs.

The above information applies to each user specified in the file.  To import users of different types, you should do separate imports.

Creating the Data File

The file containing the data must be in the correct format, which is a comma-separated-variable format.  There should be one line for each user, with the data separated by commas. The file format differs depending on whether Customers or Agents are being loaded.

Agent Users

If Agents, Workspace Administrators, or users with a custom Agent-type role are being imported, the import file must contain the following fields in the order listed:

All fields are mandatory except the optional Miscellaneous fields.

Customer Users

If customers are being imported, the data that is required is different.  If you also want to import the user's contact data (name, email address, phone number, etc.), you must also do a separate Address Book import. In this case, the IDs specified in this user import must match the primary keys of the users in the Address Book.

Optional Miscellaneous Fields

While Workspace membership for the whole group to be imported is defined on the setup page, you can put information into the import file that defines the default Workspace for an individual, defines one or more Workspaces into which the individual is to be imported, or sets a billing rate for an individual.  To set these options for an individual, use the following syntax in the import file:


Click the link next to Workspace Information to see a list of Workspaces and corresponding IDs.

The settings you use in the import file override the settings on the setup page.  That is, if the setup page says to import everyone Workspace #2 as their default, but you have some individuals set in the file to default to Workspace #4, then everyone in the import file will have Workspace #2 as their default except for the individuals with Workspace #4 settings.  This goes for all settings, including Team membership.


You can import users into teams, but you cannot import users as supervisors. Once a user has been imported, you can configure that user as a supervisor.


Examples of valid lines in the file for Agents:

jsmith,orange23,Jill Smith,[email protected]

bjones,abc123,Bob Jones,[email protected],DEF=4,PROJ=3:4:27

jomalley,xxx543,James O'Malley,[email protected]

bbudd,123abc,Billy Budd,[email protected],BILLRATE=25.50

rrogers,g11R19,Roger Rogers,[email protected],TEAMINFO=P3;Hardware;Software:P4;Network

Examples of valid lines in the file for customers:




Examples of valid lines in the file if an external authentication method is used:

jsmith,,Jill Smith,[email protected]

bjones,,Bob Jones,[email protected],DEF=4,PROJ=3:4:27



Note on Names

Names with embedded commas are not allowed, such as "William Smith, Jr." Do not include any such names in a load file. Additionally, we recommend against suffixes in names even without the comma, such as "William Smith Jr.", as user names are sorted by last name in the assignee window; therefore, William Smith would be placed with the "J" names. Lastly, the double-quote marks used in this paragraph are for reading clarity only; do not use double-quotes in the load file.