You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Edit Customers

Edit Customers

The Edit Customers page includes options to edit a user’s permission level and to remove a user from the current Workspace.  Normally, Customer accounts that were created using the System Administrator's Auto-Add method inherit certain properties and can be manipulated as a group.  Keep in mind that modifying any such Customer through this page sets the user apart from this group irreversibly; changes to the Auto-Add feature by the System Administrator do not affect this Customer.

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | Customers | Add Customers from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. If you know the user ID, enter it in the field provided.
  3. To browse from a list of users, click Select Customer.  A pop-up window is displayed.  If there are a large number of Customers in the system, the pop-up window may take a long time to display.

There are two options in the pop-up:

  1. Click the user ID in the pop-up.  It is added to the User ID dialog box.
  2. Select from the following options:
  1. Remove this account from this workspace—This permanently removes the customer from the current Workspace.
  2. Change this account's role in this workspace to—This allows you to change the customer's role to a different customer role, e.g., change from Customer Read KB to a customized customer role that you have developed, or even to an agent or administrator role.
  3. Change default workspace to—This changes the Workspace that the customer sees when first logging in.
  4. Change customer's authentication method to—If multiple authentication methods have been defined, you can change the method required of this customer for logging into FootPrints.
  5. Change customer's password to—If FootPrints internal authentication is being used for your customers, then the customer password can be changed through FootPrints.  If you are using external authentication methods, such as LDAP or Windows, you cannot change the customer's password here.
  6. Change user preferences—As Workspace Administrator, you can change the preferences of a particular customer as follows:
  7. User's Local Time Zone—Select a time zone from the drop-down field.
  8. Date Format—Select a date format from the drop-down field. Options are "American-MM-DD-YYYY", "European-DD-MM-YYYY", "ISO-YYYY-MM-DD", and "revert to system default"
  9. Preferred Language—Select a language from the drop-down field.
  10. Enter your password and click Save.


Auto-added customers are not displayed in the Select Customer pop-up window from the Add Customer or Edit Customer pages because of the processing overhead involved in sites that have thousands of auto-added customers.


Notes on Editing and Removing Customers