You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Fields > Working with Tabs

Working with Tabs

Tabs divide and categorize the fields on the issue form. The Tabs on the Form Designer page can be moved up or down in the list to change the layout of the form, but most of them cannot be altered. The Workspace administrator can add custom tabs and enter any field types into the custom tabs. The default tabs on the Form Builder are:


Adding Tabs

Tabs can be added to the set tabs by either clicking the Add button at the bottom of the list of tabs or by clicking the Add Tab button in the Action section of the Palette. When you add a tab:

  1. The new tab is displayed on the Canvas. The name of the tab is "Tab N", where N is a number. A yellow field displays the tab name. Enter a name for the tab.
  2. When the cursor is placed within the tab on the Canvas, three icons are displayed in the upper right corner of the tab. These icons represent the number of columns in the tab layout. The default is three columns, but you can click on an icon to specify how many columns you want (1, 2, or 3).
  3. No further action is required. The tab is not, at this point, visible in the production version of the issue. The tab will not be visible until the form is published.


Moving Tabs

Tabs can be moved up or down in the list of tabs. The position in the list determines the position of the tab on the issue page. To move a tab, position the cursor over the button representing the tab, move the cursor over the Move symbol, then hold the left mouse button down and drag the tab to its new position in the list.


Changing the order of tabs or fields on this page does not affect the database.  It only affects the display of fields in the FootPrints forms.


Deleting Tabs

To delete a tab, position the cursor over the button representing the tab and click the Trash Can symbol. Deleting tabs/sections moves all fields in that tab to the previous tab. If there is no previous tab, the field(s) go to top of next tab. If there is no previous or next tab, then the tab cannot be deleted.


Changing the Number of Columns in a Tab

By default, tabs are created with three columns of width. When the cursor is placed within the tab on the Canvas, three icons are displayed in the upper right corner of the tab. These icons represent the number of columns in the tab layout. The default is three columns, but you can click on an icon to specify how many columns you want (1, 2, or 3). The default is three columns because that is the default for the Administration| Workspace | Workspace Options on the Issue Page tab. To change the default number of columns, change that administration setting.

Columns 4, 5, and 6 are available by using CTRL-ALT while clicking on the 1, 2, and 3 buttons.


Changing Tabs

While working within the Form Designer, certain hot keys are enabled for your convenience. To change tabs, you can click on the button labeled with the tab name, of you can use CTRL-DOWN ARROW or CTRL-] to go to the next tab or CTRL-UP ARROW or CTRL-[ to go to the previous tab.