You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > General > Issue Page Tab

Issue Page Tab

Number of Columns on Create and Edit Page

The Create Entry and Edit Entry pages display workspace and address book fields in columns to save space.  Choosing more columns reduces the amount of scrolling you need to do on these pages. Choosing fewer columns better accommodates large field names and small screen resolutions.  Choices are 1, 2 or 3 columns.  This option also determines the number of columns displayed on the Details page.


Order Sections

This option allows the Workspace Administrator to change the display order of the sections of the Issue Details pages.  The defaults are:

To change the display order of the sections, highlight a section name and use the up and down arrows to reorder them.  When you are finished, click GO at the bottom of the page. 


Disabled fields, such as Address Book, are included in this list.  However, if they are disabled they do not appear on the Issue Details screens.


Description Ordering

By default, the most recent Description appears first in the Descriptions section of the Issue Details page.  You can change this so that Descriptions are displayed in order with the Oldest Description at the top down to the most recent Description at the bottom.  Check the appropriate radio button to select the order in which you want Descriptions displayed.


Drop-down/Multi-select Width

To achieve visual flow and alignment within Issue forms, all user-defined choice fields are drawn with the same fixed width. Sometimes, however, choices for these fields are too long to fit into the drop-down or multi-select and are truncated. If you see this is a problem in your organization, you can configure the width to allow each drop-down and multi-select field to be exactly as long as necessary to accommodate its longest choice.  The drawback to this configuration option is that disabling the formatting may disrupt the formatting of the form layout.


Assignee Picker Field Width

You can specify the width of the Assignee Picker field in pixels.  The default size is 170 pixels wide. This option is provided because of problems similar to the problems with the Drop-down/Multi-select field width; when options in those fields are too long to be displayed properly, they may be truncated.


Address Book Fields to Exclude

If the Address Book has not been disabled, you can select Address Book fields to exclude from the Create and Edit Issue pages.  Excluded fields are also excluded from the Select Contact search.  However, these fields are available from the Address Book. Excluded fields can be specified for each workspace that uses an Address Book.