You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Customer Self Service > Customer Service Portal > Submit a Request

Submit a Request

To submit a new Request, click Submit Request on the FootPrints Homepage or click the link for Submit on the FootPrints Toolbar.  If you are using the eCustomer Service Portal, and you have not yet logged into FootPrints, you are prompted for your login ID and password.

If the Auto-Suggest Solutions feature is enabled, you will be able to view suggested Solutions that exist in the Knowledge Base which match the criteria you enter in the Issue Information on the Request page, and to browse the Knowledge Base from there as well. This will give you the opportunity to resolve the Request on your own without having to contact your Support desk. (See Auto-Suggest Solutions, below.)

Note on Fields

These fields may be in a different order and may contain different options and names, depending on how the system is configured by the FootPrints administrator.

  1. Enter a Title—This is the subject or summary of the request.  It should be brief, but descriptive.  For example, “Computer does not boot up” would be a good title.  “Help!!” would not be a good title because it does not give any indication of the problem.
  2. Your Contact Information—This section holds your contact information.  If this is the first time you have submitted a Request, these fields may be blank.  Fill out the fields with your name, etc. (your email address or other unique key is pre-filled with the data you entered at login time).  If you are already in the Address Book, all of the fields are pre-filled. 
  3. To update your Contact Information—If the option is available, you can update your contact information in this section.  You must also select the checkbox for Update your contact information.
  4. Issue Information—These fields vary depending on how the system is configured.  For example, there may be a field called Platform, which is a drop-down box.  Select your platform from the list of choices.  There could also be a field called Version number with a text field next to it.  Type in the version number in this field.  Please consult your FootPrints administrator for more information on these fields.

Note on Fields

All fields displayed in red are mandatory and must be filled out.

  1. Description—Enter the complete details of your Request.  There is no limit to the amount of text that can be entered in the Description field.  Be as specific as possible to ensure a quicker resolution to your Request.  The  Spellcheck option is available to check your spelling.
  2. Auto-Suggest Solutions—If this feature is enabled, you are required to view the suggested Solutions before you can submit the Request. Once you have viewed the suggested Solutions, you can select a Solution or browse the Knowledge Base. If there are no Solutions that resolve your Request, you can continue entering information in the Request and submit it.
  1. To view the suggested solutions, click Auto-Suggest. If any Solutions exist in the Knowledge Base that matches the criteria you entered in the Issue Information section, they will display on the Select Solution dialog box that appears.
  2. To view the Solution's description, point to the Solution in the list. A tooltip will appear with the description.
  3. Click the Solution if it resolves your Request. If not, you can search for other Solutions from the Browse section of the Select Solution dialog box.
  4. Once you've selected a Solution, and if it resolves your Issue, click This solution resolves my Issue.
    The Solution's Description is added to the Description in the Request, and the Request is closed and displays on your Homepage.
  1. Attachments (optional)—You can attach one or more files from your local machine to your request.  For example, you may want to attach a screenshot of the error you are receiving. Refer to How to Attach a File for more information.
  2. Submit Request—When you are ready to submit the Request, click GO.  The Request is assigned a number and the FootPrints Homepage is displayed.
    Note: If Auto-suggest Solutions is enabled, you will see an Auto-Suggest button instead of a Go button (see note in Description, above).