Attach Files

On the Create/Edit Issue screen, or the Submit Request screen for Customers, you can optionally attach one or more files from your local or network drive(s). 

To attach a file:

  1. Click the Attach a File button. A small window displays, entitled Upload a File Attachment.
  2. Click the Browse button to browse your local machine and/or network drives for the file.
  3. When you find the file, highlight it and click Open.  The file name and path appear in the File Attachment window.
  4. NOTE: The System Administrator may have set a limit for the size of file attachments – this information appears in the file Attachment window.  If the file is too large, you will receive an error message. 
  5. Click “GO” to upload the file.  When the upload is finished, the file name will appear in the “Create Issue” form.
  6. To attach additional files, repeat steps 1-5 for each file to be attached.
  7. NOTE:  You can continue to work on the Issue while the file is uploading, but you must wait until the upload is complete to submit the Issue.


File attachments can be sent with email notifications. However, attachments of one or more files that exceed 5 Mb in total size can severely slow down notifications. If your total attachment size exceeds 5 Mb, a warning message is displayed.