You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Other Options > Enabling Auto-suggest Solutions for Issues and Requests

Enabling Auto-suggest Solutions for Issues and Requests

By default, Agents and Customers can submit Issues without first searching the Knowledge Base for an existing Solution. Administrators may instead prefer that users first search the Knowledge Base before submitting Issues. This gives Agents the opportunity to more quickly resolve Issues, and for Customers to resolve their Requests on their own without having to contact your Support desk.


The Auto-Suggest Solutions feature, when enabled in Knowledge Base administration, will require a user to first view the Auto-suggested Solutions that exist in the Knowledge Base which match the criteria he enters in the Issue Information before he can submit the Issue. The user can select a Solution or browse the Knowledge Base. If a Solution does not resolve his Issue, he can continue entering information in the Issue and submit it.

Customers will be able to view auto-suggested Solutions from the Public Knowledge Base. Agents can view the auto-suggested Solutions from the Internal and Public Knowledge Bases.


The Auto-Suggest Solutions feature can be set up for Agents, Customers, or both.




The Workspace Administrator must first set up Auto-filter fields to filter solutions.


To enable Auto-suggest Solutions for Issues:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | Knowledge Base from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. In the Auto-Suggest Solutions section of the Knowledge Base page, select one of the following options:


  3. Agents
  4. Customers
  5. Both agents and customers
  6. Enter your password and click the SAVE button.


To disable the Auto-Suggest Solutions feature:


Select the Disabled option under Auto-Suggest Solutions.