You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Fields > Drop-down


Setting Properties

When you drag and drop a Drop-down field into the Canvas, the Properties window is displayed.

Click a section heading to expand or collapse the section. Enter values into the fields as follows:


Clicking the View Dependencies button in the Palette displays a map of all field dependencies. This is a useful tool for tracking and organizing your dependent fields.


Workspace Administrators can customize permissions per user role, which override the Agent Default and Customer Default permissions set up here. If permissions for a user role have been set up, a message will display above the default permissions listing the user role along with an option to remove custom permissions from the role. If you remove the custom permissions, the field will return to using the Agent Default or Customer Default permissions. (See below for steps.) For more information on field permissions per user role (set up in Administration | Workspace | User Roles) see Field Permissions.

To Set Permissions for a Field:

  1. Click a cell in the table corresponding to one of the permissions listed below, such as "Optional".
    This will apply the permission to all statuses at once (Open, Resolved, Closed, etc). The selected cell is color-coded green (see the Agent Default example in the screen shot, below).
  1. To set separate permissions per status (advanced permissions):
    1. Click Toggle advanced below Agent Default or Customer Default to view all of the statuses.
    1. Then click the cell corresponding to the permission and status (see the Customer Default example in the screen shot, below).

    Tip: Click a column heading to apply the permission to all statuses for that column at once.

  2. To reset advanced permissions to the initial (basic) settings, click Toggle advanced .
    This will reset the permissions to Optional for Agent Default or Hidden for Customer Default.

To Remove Custom Permission from a User Role:


The following applies only when a message displays above the Agent Default or Customer Default permissions indicating that a role has custom permissions.

Mouse over the role (listed above the Agent Default or Customer Default permissions), then click the Remove button.

The custom permissions are removed from the role and the name of the role displays with a strikethrough (e.g., Role Name). Once you save your changes, the role name will no longer display on the window.

If you decide not to remove the role and have not yet saved your changes, you can mouse over the role and click the Undo button.

Defining Permissions Per Role

To define field permissions with greater granularity, you can customize them for a specific role by editing the Role Properties. Once you have done so, if you return to the Form Designer, the customized roles are listed as exceptions to the default permissions.


Editing, Moving, or Deleting the Field

To edit the field properties, from the Form Designer, hover over the field and click on the edit icon.

To move the field, from the Form Designer, hover over the field, click on the move icon, hold down the mouse button, and drag the field to the location in which you want it displayed.

To delete the field, from the Form Designer, hover over the field and click on the trash can icon. Deletion is not permitted if a field is part of some other feature (such as a field dependency). In those instances, the relationship between the field and the other feature must first be severed before the field can be deleted.


Deleted data fields are no longer viewable, and FootPrints forms no longer contain that field.  The column is also deleted from the database and the data is no longer accessible.  To undelete a field (assuming you've made a backup of your database), contact BMC for instructions.


Changing the Field Name

You can change the field name from the Form Designer without going into the Properties window.  To do so, click in the field name from the Form Designer. The name is highlighted. Type the new name into the field.

About Drop-down Dependency Groups

By default, all fields in a FootPrints workspace are displayed when an agent accesses the Create Issue and Edit Issue pages.  Depending on your needs, you may, for example, prefer to have some fields only appear depending on the problem type selected, or you might want to have the list of choices in a drop-down restricted by the choice made in the preceding drop-down.  Both of these options are available in FootPrints and can be used alone or in combination.  Multiple dependencies can be configured per workspace, and multi-level "dependency groups" can be created to funnel the user to categories and sub-categories with different choices, depending on what is selected for each drop-down.


The administrator can designate a set of drop-down choice fields to create an unlimited number of categories and sub-categories for which the available choices are restricted in each field based on what was selected in the previous field.  This feature can be used for simple two-field dependencies (e.g., a software application with dependent version numbers), or complex, multi-level groups of dependent fields that guide the user to drill-down and select more and more granular data to define the problem.  For example, if a user selects Hardware from a Problem Type field, the next drop-down displays a list of hardware types (Laptop, Wireless Card, Mouse, Keyboard, etc.)  If the user picks Laptop, the next drop-down lists might contain known laptop problems, etc.

Visually, the Form Designer displays dependency groups by grouping them by color.

Before setting up the Drop-down dependency groups, you must first create the drop-down fields that will be part of the dependency group with all of the possible choices for each field.  You create new fields on the Administration | Workspace | Form Designer page.

Note on Examples

The examples here outline setting up a group of three dependent fields for Problem Type, Issue Type, and Root Cause for a standard IT service desk. Dependency groups can be created for any type of process, with any number of fields and choices.

Important Notes on Dependencies


Dependencies and Upgrades

If you are upgrading from a version of FootPrints 10.0.2 or earlier, consider the following:


Create Dependency Groups

To create drop-down dependency groups (assuming you have already created drop-down fields for your dependent choices and are on the Form Designer administration page):

  1. Select the parent drop-down field and click the Edit icon. The Properties window is displayed.
  2. Click the CHOICES AND DEPENDENT FIELDS tab. The tab is expanded.
  3. Hover over the value you want as a parent dependent field value and click the Link icon. The tab is further expanded to show additional options.
  4. In the Field you want to link to drop-down menu, select the drop-down that you wish to use as a child of the current drop-down field.
  5. Specify the values to be displayed in the child drop-down when the parent value is selected:
  1. Click View and Filter Choices. The values in the child field are displayed with checkboxes. By default, all values are selected. Click the checkmarks to remove them from the checkboxes of the values you do not want to display.
  2. Click Link Field. The drop-down is set as the child of the current drop-down field. If the form is completed and put into production, when a user accesses the parent drop-down field and selects the specified value, the child field will be displayed with only the specified values in the list.
  3. When you have completed setting values for all dependent fields, click the SAVE button at the bottom of the Properties window. You can view the dependent fields you have specified by clicking the View Dependencies button under the Actions tab on the right side of the Form Designer.