You are here: Chapter 13: FootPrints CRM Bridge > Integration > Configuration of Address Book in FootPrints for Salesnet

Configuration of Address Book in FootPrints for Salesnet

FootPrints is integrated with Salesnet’s contact database, allowing users to work with the Salesnet database from within the FootPrints Address Book.  If this option is used, FootPrints dynamically accesses the Salesnet contact database for contact information in the Address Book.


The FootPrints CRM Bridge is only available if you have purchased the Dynamic SQL Link license, an add-on to FootPrints.  If you are interested in purchasing a Dynamic SQL link license, contact a sales representative at BMC or your local distributor.

There are three steps to this configuration process:

Step 1 Create FootPrints Address Book Fields and Primary Key

The first step is to establish FootPrints fields for all corresponding Salesnet fields.  To do so, you must check your existing fields and add any new fields you want to use with Salesnet.  In addition, you set your email address as the primary key field in this step.  In the next step, you map the fields in FootPrints to fields in Salesnet.

To configure the fields in the FootPrints Address Book, refer to Adding Address Book Fields.  Follow the procedure and make sure you set the Email Address field as the primary key.

Step 2 Configure the Account Field (Optional)

The integration for Salesnet allows a contact field mapping to include the Account as part of the FootPrints Address Book record.  With this integration feature, whenever an Address Book record is accessed, the contact's Account is automatically used in that record along with the other fields.

To configure the Account field:

  1. Create a field in the FootPrints Address Book Schema called either "Company" or "Account".  This should be a public optional character field.  Refer to Adding Address Book Fields for this procedure.
  2. On the same page as you created the "Company" or "Account" field, make the new field the Organizational Unit.
  3. Save and exit the page.

Step 3 Map FootPrints Address Book Fields to Salesnet Fields

You may wish to refer to Field Mapping in Salesnet before beginning this procedure.  In addition, drop-down fields in the Salesnet contact list are not supported at this time.

To dynamically link the FootPrints Address Book to Salesnet’s contact database:

  1. Within FootPrints, select Address Book Administration | Address Book Type.
  1. There is an option to choose the Salesnet Address Book.  Select the radio button for the Salesnet Address Book link.
  1. Enter your password and click GO.
  1. To verify that you can access the Salesnet Address Book, you must provide your company login information.  Enter your Company, Username, and Password, then click Next.
  1. Map your FootPrints fields to your Salesnet fields using the drop-down lists.  Drop-downs are labeled as FootPrints fields.  From each drop-down list, select the Salesnet field that corresponds to the FootPrints field.  Make sure you map the Organizational Unit you created for Salesnet to the account name.


It is strongly recommended that all of the fields types, with the exception of Email Address, are created as character fields.  Some field types, such as Date Time, Integer, Real Number, etc., do not map well with Salesnet field types because Salesnet stores most information in character fields.  If you have any FootPrints field types that are not character field, a warning is displayed.  If the warning is displayed, click OK and continue with the setup, or click Cancel to allow yourself to change the field types to better fit the mapping process.

If You Cannot Access the Salesnet Address Book...

Salesnet has an option to prevent outside programs from logging into Salesnet.  If this option is enabled, you cannot access the Salesnet Address Book from within FootPrints.  If you are having trouble logging into Salesnet from FootPrints via FootPrints integration with Salesnet, the problem may be that this option has been enabled on Salesnet.

To disable this option and allow FootPrints to log into Salesnet:

  1. Log into your Salesnet account.
  2. Access the setup menu from the Salesnet Toolbar in the upper right hand corner (i.e., click the Wrench icon).
  3. Towards the bottom of the administration form, in the Integration section, select Web Services API Configuration.
  4. When the next page is displayed, select Edit from the bottom of the page.  The Setup page is displayed.
  5. Ensure that login is checked and also that all of the Read from Salesnet options are checked.

  1. Further down the page are two options, in the Record Access and Field Access section, that allow for record access.  Click both of the options to allow access.
  2. On this same page, make sure that you have at least one API user set up for this account.
  3. After setting these options and ensuring that there is at least one API user, click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page.

Once these changes are made, when you are asked in FootPrints for a company, login and password for an external Salesnet Address Book, you should go right into the field mapping screen.   Otherwise you will get a “bad username” message in FootPrints and it will ask you to log in again.