Access the page for adding Address Book fields by selecting
| Address Book | Field Maintenance from the FootPrints
To create a new field:
Name—Enter a name
for the field. This
is the name used for the field in all FootPrints
forms, such as Service
Level or Company.
defines the type of data the field accepts. Refer to Field Types for additional information.
Permissions—The permission
level chosen here determines both the access and requirement for users
for the field.
Access—This option
determines who can see the field, and who can write to it.
Internal—Only internal
Agent and administrator users (including custom Agent-type roles) can
view and enter data in the field. The
field appears in the Create
Issue and Edit
Issue pages for internal users only, and in the Address Book.
Public—Same as internal,
plus Customers can view the field data and enter their contact data in
the field when creating a new Request. The
field appears in the Create
Issue and Edit
Issue pages for internal users, in the Address Book, and in the
Customer Submit
Request form.
Advanced Field Permissions—Click the Advanced Field Permissions button to set advanced field permissions for all Agent roles or all Customer roles. Advanced field permissions can be set per-role on the User Roles administration page. This page offers a convenient (but more limited) way of setting a field's permissions for multiple roles. (Advanced field permissions set here or on the role properties page will override the default permissions chosen on the Form Designer page.) The permissions that you choose here will only affect the current workspace. Other workspaces that also use this address book will not be affected.
If an LDAP Address Book is used, all Address Book fields
are read-only.
Required—The second
drop-down determines whether the field is required.
Optional—The field is
not required for any user who can write to it. The user has the
option of entering data in the field.
Mandatory—The field is
required for all users. If a user tries to submit an Issue or contact
record without any data in a mandatory field, the form is rejected and
an error with instructions to go back and enter the information is displayed.
Mandatory fields appear in red on the Create
Issue and Edit
Issue pages for internal users, in the Address Book, and in the
Request form for Customers (it is pre-filled for the Customer if
data already exists).
Length Restrictions—This
option applies to character single-line, integer, and real number fields
only. For
these fields, a field length can be defined for the field. If
defined, users must enter data of the specified number of characters when
creating or editing an Issue or Request. The
following options control the characteristics of the field length:
Unrestricted—No field length
restriction (the default).
Exactly—Enter a number
in the first box for the exact number of characters users must enter in
the field. Leave the second input box blank.
a number in the first box for the minimum number of characters field data
must contain. Leave the second input box blank.
a number in the first box that for the maximum number of characters field
data can contain. Leave the second input box blank.
Between—Enter two numbers
defining a range of the number of characters accepted for field data.
applies to multi-line character fields. Define
the number of rows and columns displayed for the text box. This
only affects the size of the area displayed. The
amount of data that can be entered into multi-line character fields is
virtually unlimited.
drop-down and multi-select field types, choices are defined in a pop-up
after adding the field (instructions are here).
Click Create Field. The field
is added to the Field
The field is not
added to the Address Book until you enter your password and click Save.
The Address Book also contains three additional properties
that can be specified on this screen:
Primary Key is a unique identifier for each contact in your Address Book.
If the
Customer Self-service feature is used, it is the ID that Customers use
to log into FootPrints (along
with a password). This
field should be both present and unique to all contacts. User
ID is the recommended field, and also the default for all templates.
Organizational Unit is used to organize contacts in the Address Book.
include Department,
Unit, or Company.
It is an optional property. If
an Organizational Unit is selected, the contacts in the Address Book are
grouped by the field.
For most versions of FootPrints,
there is no limit to the number of fields allowed per workspace, however, the FootPrints database only allows 100
fields per Address Book. To add workspace fields, read the topic on Form Designer.
Adding a Date/Time Stamp to Internal Fields
You can add a date/time stamp to multi-line character
fields. The
date/ time stamp is displayed beside the field when you edit the Address Book field
or view it on the Details page. When
you create a multi-line character field by selecting Character (Multiple
Line) as the Type or edit an existing multi-line character field, a checkbox
labeled "Add timestamp to field data" is displayed. Checking
the box adds the date/time stamp.
If you use the date/time stamp option, the field acts
like the Description field in that you cannot edit existing data in the
field, only add to it.