You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Mobile > Mobile Access Web Browsing > Mobile Workspace Home

Viewing and Editing Issues with FootPrints Mobile


The FootPrints Mobile homepage is a very slimmed down version of the regular FootPrints homepage. This page displays when you click the Workspace Home link at the bottom of any FootPrints Mobile page. The Search, Change Workspace, Create Issue, Select Contact, and Logout links also display at the bottom of every page.

The following components display on the Workspace Home page:

View Details of an Issue

To view the details of an Issue from the homepage, click the Issue number or title in the list. The details page of the Issue displays.

The details page is a slimmed down version of the full FootPrints Details page. The fields that display are selected by the administrator, so not all fields may be shown in FootPrints Mobile.

The following links display at the top of the Details page:

Edit an Issue

To edit an Issue from the homepage, click the Edit icon of the Issue. The Edit page displays. You complete the Edit page in the normal manner, entering data into fields and submitting the Issue with the SAVE button at the bottom of the page. Mandatory fields are displayed in a different color and with an asterisk next to the field name, just as on the full version of FootPrints.

The following links display at the top of the Edit page: