You are here: Chapter 2: Key Concepts > Time-tracking


Time-tracking is used to track the time Agents spend working on Issues. Time can be tracked automatically by the system or manually by the Agent. Agents can be assigned hourly billing rates to be used in calculating the monetary amounts spent on Issues in addition to time spent. Time can be tracked for any Agent when creating Issues and when editing Issues. The total time counted over all sessions is accumulated and stored for the Issue. If this feature is not needed, it can be disabled for the Workspace.

This data can be used to create time-tracking reports, which can be used for billing, or to track any time-related information, such as how long one or more users spent on certain kinds of Issues.   A FootPrints time-tracking report returns totals and averages of all time-tracking data included in the report and individual time-tracking information for each Issue reported.  In addition to returning specific data for billing purposes, the time-tracking report can be used to return averages and totals for a specific internal user, Customer, status or priority type, etc.