You are here: Chapter 2: Key Concepts > Issues > Requests


A request is an Issue that is submitted by a customer, either through the FootPrints interface (using the  Customer Self-service interface) or via email. 

There are three options for handling new Requests:

  1. The Requests go into the Request “bin”. From there, an Agent or Administrator may assign new Requests to one or more Agents to work on them. The assigned Requests appear in each assigned Agent's assignments list on the Homepage.
  2. Agents can “take” Requests from the Request bin and assign themselves to the Requests. 
  3. New Requests can automatically be converted into Open Issues and assigned to internal users based on the value in a drop-down field.  This feature must be configured by the Workspace Administrator.  Refer to the section on Auto Assignment in the Administrator's Guide for more information.

Customers can follow progress on Requests that they have submitted as they are worked.  In addition, FootPrints can automatically send email to the customer who submitted the Request when changes are made to the Request.

Contact your FootPrints Administrator for more information on how your organization handles Requests.