You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Customer Self Service > Reports > Pre-Defined Reports

Pre-Defined Reports

Pre-defined reports are reports on Issues or Solutions that are saved and named as public reports by FootPrints internal users.  The internal user creates a new report, choosing report criteria and formatting options, and then saves it as a public report.  The names of these reports appear in the Pre-defined Reports drop-down list available to customers.  Each time a saved public report is run by a customer, it returns the latest matching Issues or Solutions.

The following reports are available:

To run a Pre-defined Report:

  1. Click on Pre-Defined under the Reports heading on the FootPrints Customer Toolbar.
  2. Select the report from the drop-down box.
  3. Click GO.  The results of the report are displayed in a new browser window.

To print a report, refer to Saving and Printing Report Data.