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Master Issues and Subtasks

Sometimes an Issue must be divided into subtasks to be completed by different users.  The FootPrints Master Issue/Subtasks facility allows you to create parent–child relationships between Issues for complex processes.

When a subtask is created for an Issue, the originating Issue automatically becomes a Master Issue of that subtask. Multiple subtasks can be created for an Issue. As an example, numerous tasks must be accomplished when a new hire is performed.  FootPrints users often create a Master Issue for new hires. Each task that must be performed for a new hire, such as acquiring a telephone or adding the new hire as a user to the network, is created as a subtask.

Subtasks can be created manually by an Agent or automatically by a Master Quick Issue Template.

Creating a subtask of an Issue automatically makes the originating Issue a Master Issue, with a parent–child relationship existing between the Master Issue and the subtask.

Master Issues and subtasks have a special relationship.  When a Master Issue is opened and subtasks are created, the Master Issue remains opened until all of the subtasks have been closed.  When the last subtask is closed, the Master Issue can either be closed automatically or FootPrints can automatically send an email to all individuals who are assigned to the Master Issue informing them that the subtasks have been closed. It then becomes the responsibility of someone assigned to the Master Issue to close it. The default is to automatically change the status to Closed.