You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Customer Self Service > Working with Requests > Editing Requests

Editing Requests

In addition to submitting Requests, Customer Edit users also have limited permission to update their own Requests through the Customer Self-service interface.  These users can update the description of Requests they submitted, update fields designated by the administrator, and close their own Requests, as well as update their own contact information.


The Customer Edit license must be enabled for this user option to be available. 

If you have the Customer Edit license type, when an Agent responds to your Request with comments or questions, you can respond through the FootPrints interface.

To edit a Request:

  1. Click the View My Requests button on the homepage, or click View Mine under the Requests heading on the FootPrints Toolbar.  The main frame displays a list of your current Requests.
  2. Click the number of the Request to see the details.
  3. Read the Agent’s latest comments in the Description field.
  4. To respond, click the Edit button. 
  5. On the Edit page, edit fields as needed.
  6. Enter your response in the Append a New Description field.
  7. Click GO.
  8. The Request is updated and email updates are sent to the Agent and the customer.
  9. You can continue to update the Request each time the Agent responds.
  10. To close the Request, click the CLOSE button on the Details page of the Request.  Fill in your reasons for closing the Request in the Description field, then click Save.  The Request is closed and email updates are sent out.