You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Calendar and Scheduling > Linking Appointments to Issues > Editing Linked Appointments

Editing Linked Appointments

Issues and appointments that are linked can be edited from either record with the other automatically updated.

Fields that cause an update are described below.

For Appointments

For Issues

Recurring appointments function differently.  If the Appointment is edited, only future Issues are affected.  In the case of appointments that recur Today and n consecutive days (which only makes one Issue), the Issue is updated as described above.

If an Issue created from a recurring appointment is edited, it does not affect the appointment. This is because that instance of the Issue may have special properties or notes that are relevant only to that instance.  To change the properties of all future Issues for the common fields (Title, Assignees/Invitees, etc.), the edit should be made to the originating appointment.