You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Working with Issues > Editing Issues

Editing Issues

To edit an Issue, click the word More at the end of the issue title on the homepage list, then click Edit.  You can also click Edit on the Details page of that Issue.  Normally, an Agent only has edit permissions for Issues to which that Agent is assigned.  Administrators can edit any Issue.


If you have a button on the Details page of an Issue labeled Take (rather than Edit), the Workspace Administrator has enabled a feature called "Taking".  This allows an unassigned Agent user to take any Issue in the database and edit it.  Check with your administrator for more information on this feature.

After clicking the Edit button, the Edit page containing the current data for the Issue is displayed.  From here, you can make changes in the same way that you enter information when you first create an Issue.

If your organization is licensed for FootPrints Configuration Manager, all Agents and Customers with edit permissions can see the CIs linked to an Issue when viewing the Edit Issue page regardless of whether they have a Configuration Manager license. However, they cannot edit the CI links nor can they take advantage of any other Configuration Manager functions without a license.

If your administrator has configured the option, a link to the management process in the Alignability Process Model is displayed on Issue pages. For more information, see Viewing the Alignability Process Model.

Quick Edit

The Quick Edit feature allows agents to make edits quickly without viewing the entire issue page. To use the Quick Edit feature, click the Title of an issue in the homepage list. The Quick Edit page is displayed. The page displays built-in fields as well as up to three fields that are configured by your administrator. Complete the fields and submit the issue as you would with a full issue page. Administrators can define rules for attachments that include making attachments mandatory based on the content of certain fields. However, for Quick Edits, attachment rules only apply based on the Status field and not on any additional fields.

Quick Edit Limitation

Dashboard totals do not refresh after a quick edit is submitted. Only the individual row is updated. For example, if a quick edit changed a status from Open to Assigned, the Workspace Totals dashboard component would still count the issue as an Open issue.