You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Working with Issues > Edit Test Issue

Edit Test Issue

You can edit one or more fields on the Edit page.


The names of many of the fields in FootPrints can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority, Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created.  For clarity, this manual always refers to FootPrints records as Issues, and uses the default terms for the other field names.

  1. Title—If you need to edit the title, replace the old text with new text.
  2. Priority—To change the priority, choose the new priority from the drop-down box.
  3. Status—To change the status, choose the new status from the drop-down box.
  4. Contact Information—To choose a contact from the set of contacts in the Address Book, click Select Contact.  To update the information for the current contact, change the data and check the Update Contact checkbox; this updates the information in the current Issue and in the Address Book (this feature is not available if the LDAP feature is enabled). To create a new contact, check the Create Contact checkbox and enter the data. This feature is also not available if the LDAP feature is enabled. Click Select Department to choose the contact based on t the contact's department. Click History to view a list of Issues submitted by that contact previously (the contact information must be entered before the History button can assemble a list of previously submitted Issues).


The user’s Issue history can be viewed by clicking the History button.

  1. Issue Information—Replace the old text with new text (or select a new choice from the drop-down box) for each field that you want to edit.
  2. Description—Add new notes for the Issue.  The original description is kept intact; you are adding a new description with a time/date/user stamp.  To view the current description in read-only format, click the link for View Current Description.


If the Workspace Administrator has enabled the Edit most recent description option, an additional text box is displayed that contains the most recent description and which may be edited.  Check with your administrator for more information.

  1. Search Knowledge Base (optional)—Search the Knowledge Base for a Solution to the current Issue, and then import that Solution into the description.  Refer to Creating Issues for complete instructions.
  2. Attachments—You can attach one or more additional files to the Issue each time you edit it. Administrators can define rules for attachments that include restrictions on size and/or file type as well as making attachments mandatory. Rules can be applied based on fields, such as the Status field, which means an attachment may be made mandatory when the status is Open, for example, but not for other statuses. For Quick Edits, attachment rules only apply based on the Status filed and not on any additional fields.


File attachments can be sent with email notifications. However, attachments of one or more files that exceed 5 Mb in total size can severely slow down notifications. If your total attachment size exceeds 5 Mb, a warning message is displayed.

  1. Assignee Picker—There are two ways you can edit the assignees lists with the Assignee Picker:
  1. Email Notification—Select the users to receive email notification for this update.  The checkboxes for Agent/Contact/CC default to the settings chosen by the Workspace Administrator for the status and priority chosen. 
  2. Time Spent—Enter the additional time you have spent on this Issue.  If auto time tracking is enabled, FootPrints automatically tracks the time.  There is also a link here to edit existing time tracking data.  If time tracking comments are enabled, you can also enter comments of up to 255 characters.
  3. History—You cannot edit the History section of an Issue.
  4. Submit Changes—When you are ready to submit your changes, click Save.  The Issue is updated and the FootPrints Homepage is displayed.

If the Issue has multi-line character field(s) with a timestamp, these fields act the same as the Description field in that you cannot edit the existing data, but you can append data to the field.  You can edit the data in multi-line character fields that do not have the timestamp.