You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Working with Issues > Creating Issues (Overview)

Creating Issues (Overview)

The following describes the Create Issue page, including descriptions of each field. For details on creating and completing the Create Issue page, see the next topic: Completing a New Issue.


To create a new Issue in FootPrints, click New Issue on the FootPrints toolbar.


The names of many of the fields in FootPrints can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority, Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created. This manual always refers to FootPrints records as "Issues" and uses the default terms for the other field names.

The Create Issue page will appear different depending on whether you have enabled expandable/collapsible sections or tabs. (Refer to Issue Preferences for details on enabling expandable/collapsible sections or tabs.) If you have enabled tabs, the names labeling the tabs that contain mandatory fields are displayed in red. The fields and sections/tabs in the Create New Issue page can include:


File attachments can be sent with email notifications. However, attachments of one or more files that exceed 5 Mb in total size can severely slow down notifications. If your total attachment size exceeds 5 Mb, a warning message is displayed.