You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Working with Issues > Copying Issues > Cross-Workspace Copy/Move

Cross-workspace Copy/Move

Issues can be copied or moved between Workspaces.  In a multi-Workspace environment, this enables you to escalate Issues between Workspaces.  For example, you could have two Workspaces: Help Desk and Development.  If an Issue in the Service Desk Workspace must be passed to the Development team, the service desk agent can copy the Issue to the Development Workspace, assigning it to one or more developers.

Copy an Issue to Another Workspace

To copy an Issue between Workspaces:

  1. Access the Details page of the Issue.
  2. Click Copy/Move.  A different toolbar is displayed.
  3. Select Cross-Workspace Copy.  A new page is displayed.
  4. Select a destination Workspace from the list.  The list contains all active Workspaces.
  5. As an optional feature, to link the Issues, click in the box next to Create Dynamic Link between new and original Issues.
  6. Click GO.  The Copy Issue to Another Workspace page is displayed.
  7. Select the Agent to whom you wish to assign the Issue in the new Workspace.  You can also CC: yourself.
  8. Click GO.  A new page is displayed.
  9. Workspace fields in the current Workspace that do not match the fields in the destination Workspace are displayed.  To append the data from those fields to the description, click the Append radio button.  To ignore the data, choose Discard.  Field data in the original Issue is not affected.
  10. Click GO to complete the cross-Workspace copy.

Issues that are linked across Workspaces via a manual copy or a cross-workspace escalation update the other when one is updated.  When the new Issue is updated, common fields in the originating Issue, like Description, Title, Priority, etc., are also updated.  The same changes are made to the new Issue when the originating Issue is updated.  The rules for this workflow are customizable by the Workspace Administrator in each Workspace under Issue Workflow.

Move an Issue to Another Workspace

  1. On the FootPrints Homepage, click the number of the Issue to access the Details page of that Issue.
  2. On the Details page, click Copy/Move.  To move the Issue to the destination Workspace and close the Issue in the current workspace, choose Move to Another Workspace.  A new page is displayed.
  3. Select a destination Workspace from the list.  The list contains all active Workspaces.
  4. Click GO.  The Move Issue to Another Workspace page is displayed.
  5. A list of Workspaces members for the destination Workspace is displayed.  Select one or more assignees by highlighting the names and pressing the CTRL key, then click GO.  The users selected are assigned to the Issue in the new Workspace.  The assignees of the Issue in the originating workspace are not affected. You can also choose to be copied via email on changes to the new Issue.
  6. Click GO.  A new page is displayed.
  7. Any Workspace fields in the current Workspace that do not match the fields in the destination Workspace are displayed.  To append the data from those fields to the description, click the Append radio button.  To ignore the data, choose Discard.
  8. Click GO.  The move is completed.


CCs that have been set up for email notification are lost when an Issue is copied or move across workspaces.