You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Calendar and Scheduling > Linking Appointments to Issues > Creating An Issue from an Appointment

Creating An Issue from an Appointment

An Issue can be created from an appointment.  When this method of Issue creation is used, the Issue is pre-filled with the data from the appointment.  Additional Issue data can be entered from the Issue page.


The names of many of the fields in FootPrints can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority, Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue).  Custom fields can also be created.  For clarity, this manual always refers to FootPrints records as “Issues” and uses the default terms for the other field names.

To create an Issue from an appointment:

  1. Click the Create Appointment button or select an hour in the Day View of the Calendar. A pop-up window is displayed with a Create Appointment dialog.
  2. Enter the data for Title, Description, Invite Users, etc.  Refer to Creating Appointments for complete instructions.
  3. For the Link to Issue field, select the Date/Time field to link, e.g., Due Date.
  4. Click Save to create the appointment.  The appointment and the Issue are created and the Create Appointment page for that date is displayed.

Both the Issue and an Appointment are created and linked.