You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Calendar and Scheduling > Linking Appointments to Issues > Creating an Appointment from an Issue

Creating an Appointment from an Issue

To create an appointment from an Issue:

  1. On the Create Issue or Edit Issue page, fill out all of the information for the Issue.
  2. Select the Date/Time field to be used for the link (for example, Due Date). Date/Time fields are indicated by the Date/Time icon.
  3. In the Date/Time field pop-up, select the date and the start and end times for the appointment.  To select the start and end times, click the radio button, select a time from the times list for the start of the appointment, then do the same for the end of the appointment.  If no time is required (only a date), check the box for No Time.
  4. For Calendar, select either Personal or Personal & Workspace. If Personal is selected, the appointment is added to each assignee's personal Calendar.  If Personal & Workspace is selected, the appointment is also displayed on the Workspace Calendar for the current Workspace.
  5. Click GO in the pop-up to complete the date/time field selection, then click GO to submit the Issue.
  6. The Issue is created and an appointment on the appropriate Calendar/Calendars is also created.

You can view the link to the Appointment on the Detail View of the Issue. The data for the Appointment includes:

Round Robin Assignment

When an appointment is created from the Issue page and Round Robin assignment is enabled, the new appointment shows the correct Round Robin assignee. If an appointment is created from the calendar, then all members of the Round Robin team are assigned.