You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Other Options > Setting up Auto-filter Fields to Filter Solutions

Setting up Auto-filter Fields to Filter Solutions

By default, when an Agent performs a Knowledge Base search from an Issue's Description field, the most popular Solutions are displayed, regardless of the Issue's classification (such as a hardware Issue).

The Auto-filter Fields feature in Knowledge Base administration allows Workspace administrators to select fields to use as a filter when users search the Knowledge Base from the create/edit Issue pages.


Auto-filter Fields are also used with the Auto-suggest Solutions feature.





To select Auto-filter Fields to use as a filter for the Knowledge Base search with Issues:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | Knowledge Base from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. In the Auto-filter Fields section of the Knowledge Base page, select a field or fields from the Select Fields list, then click the Add button to move the field(s) to the Filter Fields list.
  3. Enter your password and click the SAVE button.

To remove selected fields from the Filter Fields list:

  1. Select the field or fields to remove from the Filter Fields list, then click the Remove button.
    This moves the field(s) back to the Select Fields list.
  2. Enter your password and click the SAVE button.


See also: Enabling Auto-suggest Solutions for Issues