You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Other Options > Setting Issues to Automatically Close with Solutions

Setting Issues to Automatically Close With Solutions

By default, when an Agent searches the Knowledge Base from the Issue's Description field and selects a Solution to resolve theIssue, the Agent can indicate that the Solution resolves his Issue. Then the Agent can continue to enter the remaining information on the Issue page. (It doesn't matter whether or not the Auto-Suggest Solutions feature is enabled).


Workspace Administrators can set up the Auto-close Issues feature so that Issues automatically close when a user selects a Solution. (This is the default setting for Customers; for Agents, the default setting is to not close the Issue, and to remain on the create/edit page.)




To set Issues to automatically close when an Agent selects a Solution:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | Knowledge Base from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. In the Auto-close Issues section of the Knowledge Base page, select one of the following options:


  3. Do not Auto-Close and remain on create / edit page
    This is the default setting for Agents.
  4. Auto-Close and exit page
    This is the default setting for Customers.
  5. Enter your password and click the SAVE button.