You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Address Book Administration > Address Book Type

Address Book Type

If you have any of the add-on address book types for FootPrints, you may change your address book type to one of the following: Dynamic LDAP Address Book Link, Dynamic SQL Address Book Link (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL or Access), Salesnet Address Book Link, Address Book Link.

In addition, if your Address Book is configured to use one of the Dynamic Link add-ons, you may convert the Address Book back to FootPrints format.


If you change this Address Book from the FootPrints database to another type, while you may eventually change it back to the FootPrints database, any change back only contains changes made as of the initial change.  Any subsequent changes to your schema are not reflected in the re-instituted Address Book and may adversely affect the data contained in your entries.

To configure your Address Book type, select Administration | Address Book | Address Book Type from the FootPrints Toolbar.  Select the Address Book type for this workspace:


Your options depend on whether you have purchased one or both of these add-ons.

Complete details on configuring these options are in  Dynamic Address Book Link for the LDAP Address Book Link, in Dynamic SQL Address Book Link for the SQL Address Book Link, Configuration of Address Book in FootPrints for Salesnet for the Salesnet Link, and Configuration of Address Book in FootPrints for for the Link.