You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Address Book > Address Book Home Page

Address Book Homepage

To view the Address Book, select Address Book from the FootPrints Toolbar | More menu.  The Address Book is displayed in a second browser window.


Address Book Toolbar

The Address Book (AB) has its own toolbar with the following buttons:


You may see additional toolbar buttons if, for example, your FootPrints administrator has configured FootPrints to use the Master Contact Record feature. In that instance, you might see buttons for Company Home and Company Search. The list above is for the basic buttons on the toolbar.

Above the Address Book Toolbar

Several functions are located above the Address Book toolbar:

Below the Address Book Toolbar

Immediately below the Address Book toolbar is an alphabetical index. Click on a letter to display all contacts whose search field (by default, this is Last Name) begins with that letter.