You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Address Book Administration > Address Book Field Maintenance > Drop-Down and Multi-Select Address Book Fields

Drop-down and Multi-select Address Book Fields

A drop-down field offers the user a drop-down list of choices.  The multi-select field allows the user to select multiple choices from a dialog box. Up to 1000 choices can be defined per drop-down or multi-select field.  After adding one of these fields, a pop-up window is displayed in which to define the choices and options for the field.

To define choices:

  1. Add choices—Enter the first choice to appear in the field under Actions and click the Add button.  The choice is displayed in the box on the right. Continue to add as many choices as needed.
  2. Re-order choices (optional)—To reorder the choices, highlight a choice and click the up or down arrow to move it through the list.
  3. Resort Ascending—Automatically re-orders the values in the  list alphabetically from A-Z. Values with an integer as the first character are sorted before those beginning with a letter in the order 0-9.
  4. Resort Descending—Automatically re-orders the values in the list alphabetically from Z-A (or 9-0).
  5. Reuse Choice List—Select this option to reuse the choices from another drop-down field in this Workspace or another Workspace. It only copies the choices; there is no link between the fields.
  6. Import Choice List—If you have many choices, you can create a text file outside of FootPrints (for example, in Notepad or Excel) and import them here. The file must contain one choice on each line.  For example:

Browse for the file in the pop-up that appears and click Open. After you click GO the choices are displayed in the dialog box.

  1. Remove—To delete a choice from the list, highlight it and click Remove.
  2. Reset—To delete all choices and start over, click Reset.
  3. After all choices are added, click GO. The values are saved.
  4. The field is not added to the Address Book until you enter your password and click SAVE on the Field Maintenance page.
  5. The choices can be changed later by editing the field and selecting Edit Field Choices.