You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Address Book Administration > Populating the Address Book > Using an LDAP Address Book

Using an LDAP Address Book

Once the LDAP Address Book is fully configured, the contact data in the Address Book is automatically pulled from the LDAP directory.  The LDAP Address Book looks virtually the same as a FootPrints Address Book.  LDAP Address Book data is not stored in a FootPrints Address Book table; it is always taken directly from the LDAP directory.  However, the contact data for a particular customer, when chosen using the Select Contact button on the Create Issue or Edit Issue pages, will be saved along with the history of the Issue. 

The contact data saved in an Issue is a snapshot of the data taken from the LDAP database at the time the Select Contact was performed.  If the customer’s data changes at a later date (e.g., the customer's phone number changes), it is not reflected in the history of the Issue.  It will be reflected the next time that contact data is accessed from the LDAP directory.

Limitations of LDAP Address Book

Using an LDAP directory, once properly configured, is no different than using a FootPrints Address Book, with the following exceptions: