You are here: Chapter 5: Installing and Upgrading FootPrints > Upgrading FootPrints

Upgrading FootPrints

Preparing for Upgrade

The information below will help guide you through your upgrade to version 11.6.


Upgrade key: An upgrade key is required to do your upgrade. It can be found on the main upgrade page.

Backing up your current FootPrints

Always back up your current FootPrints product(s) before you upgrade to a new version.

  1. Back up the FootPrints application directory on the web server (i.e., C:\FootPrints or wherever you installedFootPrints) to tape or another disk.
  2. Back up the FootPrints database (Microsoft SQL Server, Postgres, etc.)


FootPrints recommends that you back up these directories on a daily or weekly basis.



To Upgrade:



  1. For All Windows versions, be sure to download the correct version of the upgrade for your platform and database.
  2. To install the upgrade, double-click the upgrade file and then follow the on-screen instructions.


Unix and Linux

  1. For Unix and Linux versions, you must run the “” script.

    Read the README.update file in your release first to see what exact steps are needed.

For example:

Configuring after Upgrade

Modifying a Preexisting CMDB to Use Financial Asset Management Fields in Version 11.6

See our Knowledge Base article for detailed information.

Field Headers Display


Because certain Field Headers are anticipated to behave differently between versions 10 and 11, if the upgrade to v11.6 detects that a given installation ofFootPrints was using Field Headers, the following broadcast message is sent to all administrators of that FootPrints instance the first time they log in to v11.6. The message alerts them to the fact that Field Headers were detected and it is possible the Field Headers in their workspace are not behaving as they did previously:


"During the upgrade, FootPrints detected the use of “HTML/Text Field Headers” in one or more Workspaces. Prior to the upgrade it was possible for the content of these Field Headers to span the entire width of the form, but after the upgrade any such Field Headers will conform to only span the width of the Field that the header was associated with. This could cause Field Header text to wrap across several lines, for example, rather than appearing as one long line spanning several fields."

To Revert to the Pre-upgrade Display for Field Headers:

If you preferred the pre-upgrade handling of the Field Header content and want the display to revert to the pre-upgrade state, then it is recommended that you follow these steps:


  1. Inspect your Issue form immediately to find the Field Headers you would like to modify.
  2. From Administration | Workspace, visit the new Form Designer.
  3. Find and edit the Field that contained the Field Header.
  4. From the field properties panel, copy the content of the Field Header that was migrated to the field’s Help Text And Instructions, then remove the content and save the Field with a blank header.
  5. Drag and drop the new Custom HTML field type onto the form where the desired content should appear.
  6. Paste the previously copied content into the properties panel of the newly added Custom HTML field.
  7. Adjust the column width and text mode of the Custom HTML field until the desired appearance is achieved.