You are here: Chapter 3: Navigating the Interface > The Homepage (Overview) > The Homepage

The FootPrints Homepage

After successful login, the FootPrints Homepage is displayed. The Homepage is the starting point of your FootPrints Workspace. You can return to the home page at any time by clicking the “Home" button on the toolbar.

The homepage is displayed in two logical areas divided by the toolbar. Above the toolbar, from left to right, are:

the FootPrints logo

• the Quick Search field, for searching for Issues

• the greeting, which displays the user’s name

• the Sign-out link, for logging out of FootPrints

• the Preferences link, for setting individual user preferences

• the Help link, for displaying the full online help documentation

• below the Sign-out, Preferences, and Help links, the Workspace drop-down for changing the Workspace.

Below the toolbar are:

• the dashboard components for listing items of interest, and, below that

• the Actions drop-down for taking actions quickly

• the Display drop-downs for displaying Issues that meet specified search criteria, and below that

• the list of Issues

The FootPrints toolbar displays the following options:

Home for displaying the home page

New Issues for opening a new Issue

Reports for accessing reporting functions

Administration (only visible to those with administrator privileges) for accessing administration functions

More for additional functions