You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Calendar and Scheduling > Syncing Appointments

Syncing Appointments

While the FootPrints Calendar has many advantages (it's web-based, integrated with FootPrints Issues, etc.), most people use it in addition to their usual personal or desktop calendar for tracking their appointments.  In light of this need, FootPrints Calendar appointments can be synchronized to Microsoft Outlook via email and the Vcal standard.


Synchronizing appointments with Outlook as described here is separate from the FootPrints Mobile add-on module.  This function is part of the base product and is not used if you are using FootPrints Mobile.

VCal is a standard used by software programs to allow users to exchange calendar appointments between different calendar applications.  FootPrints Calendar email notifications can include VCal attachments that allow users to place FootPrints Calendar appointments in their Outlook calendar with a mouse click.

To synchronize an appointment with your desktop Outlook calendar:

  1. Create an appointment in the FootPrints Calendar.
  2. Check the box for Sync w/Outlook.  For invitees of the appointment to synchronize with their Outlook calendar, the Email Invitees checkbox must also be selected.  If you would like to synchronize the appointment and you are not an invitee, only the creator, check the box for Email me as well.
  3. An email notification is sent to your Outlook Inbox.  Double-click the email to view the details.
  4. The email contains an attachment.  Double-click the attachment.
  5. A Microsoft Outlook dialog box is displayed.  The dialog asks if you would like to accept the appointment.
  6. Accept the appointment.
  7. If someone else has created the appointment, you can send an email confirmation to the user.  If you do, Outlook sends the creator an email stating that you accept the appointment.
  8. The appointment is included in your Outlook Calendar. All of the data for the appointment (Title, Location, etc.) is populated.  If a reminder was set in the FootPrints appointment, the reminder is also set in Outlook (i.e., you receive the Outlook pop-up reminder dialog 15 minutes before the appointment is scheduled, etc.)


Synchronizing with Outlook is one-way only.  Changes made to appointments in Outlook are not reflected in FootPrints.  Changes made in the FootPrints Calendar result in another email notification.  If the Vcal attachment is double-clicked and accepted, the change is made in Outlook.