You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Executive Dashboard > Resolution Rate Report

Resolution Rate Report

A First Contact Resolution Rate and a Resolution Rate report are combined so that you can watch the convergence of the data on those rates in one place. The periods to be observed (per day, week, month, quarter, and year) are configurable.


Customize the Resolution Rate Created, Activated, or All Activity Report

To customize the report, on the Executive Dashboard page:

  1. Click the pencil icon beside the title of the report. The customization fields are displayed.
  2. Name field—In the first field, where it says Resolution Rate "Created", "Activated" or "All Activity", enter a name for the report.
  3. Qualifier—Select data from This time period or the Previous time period.
  4. Time period—Options are:

The Address Book fields listed will be the fields from the Address Book that is currently associated with the Workspace.

  1. Only account for time spent in Statuses that the Workspace Administrator has included in the Issue Lifecycle Time Measurements—The Workspace administrator may have excluded some statuses from the Issue Lifecycle. For example, it may have been determined that a "Pending Answer From Customer" status, in which the agent working on the issue was waiting for a customer response, should not be counted when the Issue Lifecycle is measured. If you check this box, those excluded statuses are not counted when measuring the time spent before resolution. If you uncheck this box, time spent in all statuses is included in measuring the resolution rate. The box is checked by default.
  2. Click Save to save the customization or Cancel to clear the form.

Resolution Rate Drill-down Report

By clicking on one of the bars in the graph of the Resolution Rate report, an agent can view a Drill-down report. A Drill-down report displays a list of the issues represented by that portion of the graph. The issue numbers in the report are clickable links. When the issue number link is clicked, the issue is displayed in FootPrints.

When a bar is clicked, the Drill-down report is displayed in either a new window or a new tab (depending on browser settings). The Drill-down report displays different columns depending on whether you click First Contact Resolution or one of the time boundary numbers:

Exporting the Drill-down Report

Agents can export Statistics data to either Microsoft Excel or PDF format by clicking the associated icon.The report shows: