You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Knowledge Base > Knowledge Base Search Options > Report on Solutions

Report on Solutions

You may need to create a report of Solutions.  Reports contain more search options and formatting options than the Knowledge Base searches.  You can only create reports if you have the proper permissions.

To create a report of Solutions:

  1. Select Reports| New Report from the FootPrints toolbar.
  2. Select the desired formatting options, fields displayed, etc. as described in Custom Reports
  3. To get the full details of the Solution, make sure to include the Description field in Step 3 (the field may have another name, such as Notes or Details).
  4. Under Select Report Criteria, for Status, highlight one of the solutions options. This limits the report to the Knowledge Base only.
  5. Select other criteria for the report.  For example, to return Solutions with the word "password" in the Solution, enter password for as the keyword.  Do not specify any Address Book information, as Solutions do not contain Address Book data.
  6. Click GO.  The results of the report are displayed new browser window.