You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Automated Workflow > Quick Issues

Quick Issues

Quick Issues are templates that contain pre-filled information for frequently reported customer Issues, such as Password Reset, Service Request, etc.  For example, a Quick Issue template for Password Reset would include a description of the problem, the problem categories pre-filled with Network and Password Reset, and perhaps a status of Closed.  The Agent only needs to fill in the user's contact information to submit the Issue.  The Workspace Administrator can create an unlimited number of templates, which are available to all Agents and customers from the FootPrints Toolbar.  (Customers cannot access Master Issues.)

The Quick Issue Templates page is also where you create and edit Master Issues and Subtasks.

Quick Issues are considered advanced FootPrints features.  Refer to Creating Quick Issue Templates and subsequent topics in that section for details on configuring Quick Issues.


The name of this feature depends on the name given to records in FootPrints for the system/workspace. For example, if the name "Call" has been defined for records in the current workspace, the feature is called "Quick Call" throughout the workspace (on the toolbar, in the Administration pages, etc.). For consistency, all help files refer to the feature as "Quick Issue".