You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Change Manager > Order Change Management Processes and View/Print Summaries
Order Change Manager Processes and View/Print Summaries
To change the order of the approval processes and view/print
approval summaries, select Administration | Workspace | Change Manager.
Change Order of Processes
To change the order of the processes, select the Move
up arrow or Move down arrow beside the process name to move that process
up or down in the list.
View/Print Process Summaries
Across the top of the main frame, below the title of
the page, you’ll see links labeled “Configuration / Issue Approval States”.
The page
you are on initially is the Configuration page. The
linked pages are:
Configuration—Displays the list of Change Manager
processes with the buttons for editing, deleting, or move the process
up or down, and adding new processes and phases.
All Processes/Close All Processes—Open
All Processes opens all of the processes on the page to display all of
the phases in those processes. Close
All Processes closes all of the processes on the page so that the phases
associated with the processes are not displayed.
is the default page when the plus sign for the process is clicked. The
Phases page displays all of the phases for the process along with the
Edit, Delete, and Move buttons.
this button to edit the phase properties.
this button to delete the phase
the up arrow to move the phase up in the list or the down arrow to move
the phase down in the list within the process.
Name—The name of the phase is a link. Clicking
this link displays a summary of the process criteria.
Displays a summary of the criteria for the current process and a summary
of phase properties for every phase in the current process. There
is also a button at the bottom of the window for printing the page.
Summary—Displays summaries
of the criteria for all processes and summaries of phase properties for
every phase in the processes. There
is also a button at the bottom of the window for printing the page.
Active Approvals—Displays a list of processes and phases,
and a list of Issues associated with the phases, as well as other information
regarding the Issues that are in Change Manager phases, as follows:
#—The Issue number is displayed. The
Issue number is also a link to the Details page of the Issue.
title of the Issue.
In Phase— The length of time that the Issue has been in the current
phase in the process in days, hours, and minutes.
Remaining— The amount of time before the approval/disapproval deadline
is reached in days, hours, and minutes.
drop-down field allows the Workspace Administrator to approve or disapprove
an Issue and is not part of the regular Change Manager voting process
for approvals. The
field allows the Workspace Administrator to move an Issue through a phase
if, for whatever reason, the Issue has become “stuck”. When
a Workspace Administrator selects either Approve or Disapprove from this
drop-down, the Issue is determined to have received phase approval or
disapproval and follows the configured behavior for that case.